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FBM KLCI - lower amid cautious regional sentiment - Stocks on Bursa Malaysia ended lower yesterday with the benchmark FBMKLCI finished lower for the second consecutive day, dragged down by weakness in sel...2 days ago
LED light oh LED light - With the advancements in online platforms and logistics, shopping online has become incredibly convenient. The ease of browsing, comparing prices, and havi...2 weeks ago
MYEG - MYEG *HISTORICAL PERFORMANCE* FY REV NP NPM(%) 2017 372 202 54.2 2018 319 170 53.4 2018 246 -41.4 -16.8 2019 357 175 49 2019 239 ...2 months ago
Grumpy Old Man Syndrome - Sometimes we stereotypify something because we can see them in substantive numbers but we may not understand why they occur. Grumpy old men ... we all hav...1 year ago
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New plant capacity - *Stock Name:* MSM *Company Name:* MSM MALAYSIA HOLDINGS BERHAD *Research House:* MIDF *Price Call:* BUY *Target Price:* 6.029 years ago
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Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wan Azizah quits, Anwar to contest
She handed her resignation letter to Parliament Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia on Thursday.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Copy Chat Dari Parker
mcm mana melayu nak terus idup pungguk klu perlembagaan yg sedia ada mmberi keistimewaan pd org melayu pun org melayu masih x dpt menguasai ekonomi
dan kuasa politik, tambah lagi ada plak org melayu yang nak mghapuskan keistimewaan org melayu... layak ke org mcm tu di pggil pemimpin...?
soal beras kat umah kita ada atua tak tak boleh salahkan kerajaan... kena juga mlihat diri sendiri... cukup kuat ke berusaha cari makan untuk kluarga, cukup cerdik ke kita menilai peluang yg ada utk di ambil...
apkah beras d rumah kita pun kerajaan nak kena bg subsidi juga kot... Itu satu fikiran negatif yg tidak b/jawab klu kita fikir begitu... Adakah guru2 perlu rasa marah kerana mereka lahirkan ramai usahawan dan cerdik pandai yang berjaya dan kaya, tp mereka tetap hanya guru biasa...
adakah rasional utk mereka berasa marah kerana itu... jika mereka berasa marah bermakna nilai perguruan itu sudah tidak murni lagi... soal sama atau tidak siapa yg perintah mmg dipersoalkan tetapi harus melihat ke man halatuju kepentingan/ketuanan melayu itu ingin dibawa.
kita lahir sebagai graduan dr pusat pengajian yang bernama institut teknologi MARA, satu mekanisme yang digunakan kerajaan utk mbantu orang Melayu, sekaligus memastikan ketuanan Melayu itu berjalan dengan cara yang tersirat... Jgn lah kita mnjadi orang yg tidak tau berterima kasih dan tida bersyukur.
sama2 mgguna pemikiran yg halus ttg apa yg terjadi di penang dan selangor ketika ini... Unsa Allah sahabat2 akan mndpt kefahaman yang jauh lebih dalam... Wartawan lebih suka mencari titik utk di jadikan point kpd 1 kesalahan yg dapat melariskan akhbar dan melepaskan geram yang terbuku di hati...
Jadi lah insan yang berfikir denga rasa bertanggungjawab utk bangsa, agam, dan tanahair, sebagai kesinambungan utk anak cucu kita... salam perjuangan sdr2ku....
Sori le bro....wa cut n paste je dr chatbox...MJ
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Pada zaman dahulu di kampung Paku laris iaitu sekampung dengan Pontianak
Harum Sundal Malam... Wujud seorang pemuda bernama Sani... Sani amat
ditakuti oleh penduduk kampung kerana kemisteriannya. .. Iaitu suka minum
darah binatang dan boleh melayangkan dirinya di udara dan juga pengamal
ilmu hitam... Sehingga satu masa habis semua binatang berdarah di kampung
itu dihisapnya.. . Termasuklah lembu, ayam, kambing, hatta kucing parsi
ketua kampung pun terlibat sama...
Penduduk kampung sudah tidak tahan lagi dengan keadaan tersebut lalu mereka
membuat persidangan JKKK di balairaya bagi mencari jalan penyelesaian. .
Namun semuanya menemui jalan buntu... Tapi tanpa disangka2 akhirnya
terbunuh juga Sani setelah terhisap darah ayam yang terkena selsema
Maka mengadaplah roh budak Sani tu tadi kat ketua dia yang berada di alam
lain bagi mendapatkan pengampunan. ..
Sani : Kapten... Sudilah kiranya engkau ampuni aku dan hidupkan aku
Kapten Hantu: Boleh... Apa tak leh lak... Tapi kau sudah tidak boleh jadi
Sani : Susah2 aje tuan ni... Tapi aku mintak supaya aku masih boleh
menghisap dan boleh terbang...
Kapten Hantu : Ok... Lu pejam mata dan angkat tangan ke langit... Gua
jadikan Lu Dracula !!!
Maka Sani pun menjalani kehidupan seperti biasa iaitu kacau sana dan kacau
sini... Ramai penduduk kampung Paku Laris yang mati kena hisap darah...
Penduduk kampung sekali lagi bersidang dan seorang bomoh Ali dipanggil
untuk menyelesaikan masalah... Sepandai-pandai tupai melompot akhirnya
jatuh ketanah juga... Sani ala Dracula tersebut berjaya di tangkap dan
dibunuh dengan penuh sadis sekali oleh penduduk kampung... Jasadnya dikerat
24 dan ditanam di 24 tempat yang berasingan.. . Maka mengadaplah Sani buat
kali kedua...
Sani : Tuan... Aku mati lagi la...
Kapten : Tu la kau... Tak pandai cover line... Tapi nasib baik aku ni
pemurah... Ok aku hidupkan kau balik...Tapi tak boleh dalam bentuk
Sani : Ok... Tapi aku masih nak menghisap darah dan boleh terbang...
Kapten : Orait.... Aku jadikan kau nyamuk!!!
Maka Sani pun hiduplah seperti biasa walaupun dalam keadaan jasad yg
berlainan... Kejahatannya terus berleluasa.. . Ramai orang2 dikampung paku
laris mati akibat jangkitan denggi... Sehinggalah satu hari datang Jab.
Kawalan Penyakit Bawaan Vektor Seremban datang menyembur gas... Maka kelam
kabutlah si Sani melarikan diri dan akhirnya beliau mati akbat terhidu gas
beracun tersebut... Maka dengan penuh segan silunya mengadap lagi Sani
mengadap Kapten hantu buat kali terakhir...
Sani : Tuan...
Kapten : Sudah2... Aku dah tau hajat kau... Tapi ini kali terakhir aku
boleh tolong kau... Aku hanya boleh jadikan kau bendaTak bernyawa saja...
Sani : Tak de nyawa pun takpe lah... Tapi aku tetap nak hisap darah dan
Kapten : ??? Pelik sungguh permintaan kau ni... Aku meeting dulu dengan PA
Setelah beberapa hari maka dapatlah satu benda yang sesuai untuk ditukarkan
si Sani...
Kapten : Sani... Kau jaga la diri baik-baik... Aku yakin kau akan wujud
sampai bila-bila... Aku jadikan kau...
TUALA WANITA BERJENAMA SaniTA iaitu dengan ciri-ciri penyerapan 2 kali
ganda dan ada wing...
Jangan mare haaaaaaaa... ......
Posting Dari AMIEN MIKE
Hikmat Ayat Al-Kursi mengikut Hadis-hadis:
1) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi bila berbaring di tempat tidurnya, Allah SWT mewakilkan dua orang Malaikat memeliharanya hingga subuh.
2) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir setiap sembahyang Fardhu, dia akan berada dalam lindungan Allah SWT hingga sembahyang yang lain.
3) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap sembahyang, dia akan masuk syurga dan barang siapa membacanya ketika hendak tidur, Allah SWT akan memelihara rumahnya dan rumah-rumah disekitarnya.
4) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap-tiap shalat fardhu, Allah SWT menganugerahkan dia setiap hati orang yang bersyukur, setiap perbuatan orang yang benar, pahala nabi2, serta Allah melimpahkan rahmat padanya.
5) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi sebelum keluar rumahnya, maka Allah SWT mengutuskan 70,000 Malaikat kepadanya mereka semua memohon keampunan dan mendoakan baginya.
6) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir sembahyang, Allah SWT akan mengendalikan pengambilan rohnya dan dia adalah seperti orang yang berperang bersama Nabi Allah sehingga mati syahid.
7) Barang siapa yang membaca ayat Al-Kursi ketika dalam kesempitan niscaya Allah SWT berkenan memberi pertolongan kepadanya.
Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr r.a., Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda, 'Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun satu ayat...'
'Utamakan SELAMAT dan SEHAT untuk Dunia-mu,
utamakan SHOLAT dan ZAKAT untuk Akhirat-mu'
Subhanallah. .
E-group UiTM-Melaka
Penyambung persahabatan, mengeratkan tali siratul rahim
dan penyampai maklumat antara pelajar, bekas pelajar,
awek dan sesiapa saja yang kena-mengena dengan kampus
UiTM cawangan Melaka, Lendu Alor Gajah
channel IRC #UiTM-Melaka dan #Itm-melaka Dalnet.
Hantar mesej, e-mail pada :-
Untuk jadi ahli, email ke:
Jadi ahli tapi takmo terima email sementara :
Untuk Menerima kembali emel:
Nak berhenti, email ke:
Kalau nak buat e-mail jadi tempat chatting, email kepada
Laman web rasmi,
official e-mail :
Cerita & maklumat yang diedarkan melalui
E-group nie adalah untuk hiburan dan maklumat sahaja.
Dilarang sama sekali menghantar gambo lucah.
Group terbuka kepada semua orang, yang takde kena-mengena
ngan itm pun leh join
E-group nie juga bukan satu persatuan, jadik, tak
ada law tertentu dan takde yuran tahunan dikenakan,
wekekekekeek!! ( Moderator :Þ )
Nota : ahli group yang menghantar spam akan disekat dari membuat posting
Monday, July 28, 2008
Doctor on the run: police want him to fabricate evidence against Anwar?
Tajuk yg aku amik dr RPK...
Ini pemende ni?.....satu hapah pun aku tak paham........bagaimana bukti perubatan ini bersepah kat internet?.........Geng....tolong jawab!
Aku maleh nak komen apa-apa.........mengikut cakap kawan aku yg boleh baca natang ni dia kata "liwat tidak berlaku".......tapi pada akulah....bende ni sekadar sekeping data komputer...1011010101 (binary).
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Sah!! Anwar bertanding diKulim
Peguam Zulkifli Nordin akan meletakkan jawatannya untuk membolehkan pilihanraya kecil diadakan diKulim -Bandar Baru.
Friday, July 25, 2008

He claims over 79,000 (multiplied by RM1,300 that’s about RM102.7 million in sales!) bookings so far for the system and plans to expand the Hydrofuel dealer network up to 600 dealers nationwide. The first Hydrofuel units will be installed into customer vehicles in about 2 weeks time, and installation could take anywhere between 45 minutes to 3 hours.
He said that although he has received offers to sell the technology, some offers amounting to US$26mil (RM95.7mil), he had no intention of letting foreign parties get hold of it.
“There are only 12 people in the world who know how hydroxene works and even then they only know 70% of the technology,” he said, adding that the core aspects of the technology remained with him.
Hackers launch attack code for DNS flaw
Hackers have released attack code for the flaw in the Domain Name System (DNS) software that sends messages between computers on the internet.
The code was created by the developers behind the Metasploit hacking toolkit and internet security experts warn it may give criminals a way to launch virtually undetectable phishing attacks against internet users whose ISPs have not installed the latest DNS server patches.
Attackers could also use the code to silently redirect users to fake software update servers in order to install malicious software on their computers, said Zulfikar Ramizan, a technical director with security vendor Symantec.
More on this
Pelajar histeria setiap tengah hari sejak Mei
KUANTAN 24 Julai – Sebuah sekolah menengah di sini diselubungi kejadian misteri apabila sebilangan pelajar perempuannya diserang histeria hampir setiap hari terutama menjelang waktu tengah hari sejak Mei lalu.
Lebih memburukkan keadaan, pada waktu rehat segelintir pelajar perempuan dikatakan mengalami sakit sendi hingga terpaksa berjalan terbongkok-bongkok seperti orang tua yang uzur dan kejadian itu dipercayai turut dialami segelintir guru wanita sekolah berkenaan.
Khuatir proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran semakin terganggu, pelbagai usaha dilakukan oleh pengurusan Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Tanjung Lumpur termasuk memanggil pengamal perubatan tradisional selain mengadakan sesi perjumpaan bersama ibu bapa pelajar terbabit di sekolah itu hari ini.
Matjem:....Tingat aku kisah seorg pemain ragbi terkenal batch kita diserang makhluk halus kat Lendu....hehehehe...
Selangor exco may get Toyota Camry
SHAH ALAM: The Selangor Government is now hinting that it may choose the Toyota Camry as the official cars for its state executive councillors.
State executive councillor for Local Government, Studies and Research Ronnie Liu said the choice was appropriate as the price of the car was reasonable and maintenance cost not high.
“Personally, I feel the Toyota Camry is the best choice and have made the suggestion to the Mentri Besar (Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim).
“However, he has not made a decision. But I feel there won’t be any objection as the Toyota Camry is much cheaper than the Mercedes,” he told reporters here yesterday. – Bernama
Matjem: Peh ni sapa nak keta baru baik join politik.
Wall Street 'mabuk'
Komen itu terbongkar pada Selasa lalu selepas laman web popular di internet YouTube menyiarkan kenyataan Bush dalam satu majlis tertutup.
Ucapan Bush itu dirakamkan menerusi telefon bimbit berkamera sebelum dihantar ke laman web tersebut.
"Tidak ada persoalan mengenainya (kejatuhan harga hartanah)," kata Bush dalam satu majlis tertutup di Houston pada Jumaat lalu.
"Ia menjadi mabuk dan kini menghidap sakit pening kepala.
"Persoalan sekarang adalah berapa lama ia tidak akan mabuk dan tidak cuba untuk melakukan semua khayalan peralatan kewangan yang luar biasa? soalnya."
"Kita kini mendapat isu perumahan," kata Bush.
"Bukan di Houston, buktinya tidak di Dallas kerana Laura (isteri Bush) cuba untuk membeli sebuah rumah," katanya.
Bush menjelaskan bahawa isterinya tidak lagi berminat untuk tinggal di kawasan luar bandar Crawford di Texas.
Bush yang kini berumur 62 tahun pernah ditangkap kerana memandu dalam keadaan mabuk ketika beliau berusia 30 tahun. - Reuters
Rakyat lebih suka MB naik Kancil - Adnan
KUANTAN 24 Julai - Semua keputusan di peringkat kerajaan negeri yang melibatkan jumlah wang yang besar perlu dibuat berdasarkan kehendak rakyat dan situasi semasa, kata Menteri Besar Pahang, Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob.
Sambil merujuk kepada kes pembelian 14 kereta Mercedes E200 Kompressor untuk kegunaan Menteri Besar, Exco dan para pegawai kanan kerajaan negeri Terengganu, beliau berkata, selepas kenaikan harga minyak bulan lalu, rakyat lebih gemar melihat pemimpin mereka mengamalkan sikap merendah diri.
Matjem:...Pakai le kancil....sedangkan Rasulullah boleh tido beralaskan pelepah tamar.....knp korang tak leh?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Financial weekly highlight.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects a poorer global economic outlook for the 2nd half of 2008 compared to the first half of the year as recent weaker economy indicators for the US, Euro area, Japan and emerging and developing countries suggest a further deceleration of activity in the 2nd half. Besides, the financial sector also remain elevated as rising losses are putting strain on balance sheets and compounding the crisis in the credit markets. The financial problems are spreading from U.S to other countries such as Europe and Japan.
IMF forecasts 4.1% global growth for this year, U.S 1.3%, Euro area 1.7%, Japan 1.5%, China 9.7%, ASEAN 5.6% and overall emerging and developing economies by 7%.
Inflation pressure remain intense for the rest of the year, due to high energy, commodity and food prices. For advanced economies, CPI for the full year 2008 is projected to increase by 3.4% (earlier estimated 2.6%). For emerging and developing economies, CPI is expected to increase by 9.1% (earlier estimated 7.4%)
Govt are now having a tough task of trying to curb inflation without jeopardising economic growth. Stronger monetary policies, greater fiscal restraint and more flexible exchange rate system in some cases are needed to cool down the economy, especially for economies which are experiencing above-trend growth, such as China.
Untuk renungan suma...Give it a thought.....
A man eats two eggs each morning for
breakfast. When he goes to the grocery store he
pays 60 cents a dozen. Since a dozen eggs won't last
a week he normally buys two dozens at a time. One
day while buying eggs he notices that the price
has risen to 72 cents. The next time he buys
groceries, eggs are 76 cents a dozen.
When asked to explain the price of eggs the store
owner says, "The price has gone up and I have to
raise my price accordingly". These store buys 100
dozen eggs a day. He checked around for a better
price and all the distributors have raised their
prices. The distributors have begun to buy from
the huge egg farms. The small egg farms have
been driven out of business. The huge egg farms
sell 100,000 dozen eggs a day to
distributors. With no competition, they can set
the price as they see fit. The distributors then
have to raise their prices to t he grocery stores. And on and on and on.
As the man kept buying eggs the price kept going up. He saw the big egg
trucks delivering 100 dozen eggs each day. Nothing changed there. He
checked out the huge egg farms and found they were selling 100,000
dozen eggs to the distributors daily. Nothing had
changed but the price of eggs.
Then week before Thanksgiving the price of eggs shot up to $1.00 a
dozen. Again he asked the grocery owner why and
was told, "Cakes and baking for the
holiday". The huge egg farmers know there will
be a lot of baking going on and more eggs will be
used. Hence, the price of eggs goes up. Expect
the same thing at Christmas and other times when
family cooking, baking, etc. happen.
This pattern continues until the price of eggs is
2.00 a dozen. The man says, "There must be
something we can do about the price of eggs".
He starts talking to all the people in his town and they decide to stop
buying eggs. This didn't work because everyone needed eggs.
Finally, the man suggested only buying what you need. He ate 2 eggs a
day. On the way home from work he would stop at the grocery and buy two
eggs. Everyone in town started buying 2 or 3 eggs a day.
The grocery store owner began complaining that he had too many eggs in
his cooler. He told the distributor that he didn't need any eggs. Maybe
wouldn't need any all week.
The distributor had eggs piling up at his warehouse. He told the huge
egg farms that he didn't have any room for eggs
would not need any for at least two weeks.
At the egg farm, the chickens just kept on laying eggs. To relieve
the pressure, the huge egg farm told the distributor that they could buy
the eggs at a lower price.
The distributor said, " I don't have the room for the %$&^*&% eggs
even if they were free". T he distributor told
the grocery store owner that he would lower the
price of the eggs if the store would start buying again.
The grocery store owner said, "I don't have room
for more eggs. The customers are only buying 2 or
3 eggs at a time. Now if you were to drop the
price of eggs back down to the original price,
the customers would start buying by the dozen again".
The distributors sent that proposal to the huge
egg farmers but the egg farmers liked the price
they were getting for their eggs but, those
chickens just kept on laying. Fin ally, the egg
farmers lowered the price of their eggs. But only a few cents.
The customers still bought 2 or 3 eggs at a time.
They said, "when the price of eggs gets down to
where it was before, we will start buying by the dozen."
Slowly the price of eggs started dropping. The
distributors had to slash their prices to make
room for the eggs coming from the egg farmers.
The egg farmers cut their prices because the
distributors wouldn't buy at a higher price than
they were selling eggs for. Anyway, they had full
warehouses and wouldn't need eggs for quite a while.
And those chickens kept on laying.
Eventually, the egg farmers cut their prices because they were throwing
away eggs they couldn't sell.
The distributors started buying again because the eggs were priced to
where the stores could afford to sell them at the lower price.
And the customers starting buying by the dozen again.
Now, transpose this analogy to the gasoline industry.
What if everyone only bought $10.00 worth of gas each time they pulled
to the pump? The dealer's tanks would stay semi
full all the time. The dealers wouldn't have
room for the gas coming from the huge tank farms.
The tank farms wouldn't have room for the gas
coming from the refining plants. And the refining
plants wouldn't have room for the oil being off
loaded from the huge tankers coming from the oil fiends.
Just $10.00 each time you buy gas. Don't fill it
up. You may have to stop for gas twice a week but, the price should come
Think about it.
As an added note...When I buy $10.00 worth of gas
that leaves my tank a little under quarter full.
The way prices are jumping around, you can buy
gas for $2.65 a gallon and then the next morning
it can be $2.15. If you have your tank full of
$2.65 gas you don't have room for the $2.15 gas.
You might not understand the economics of only
buying two eggs at a time but, you can't buy
cheaper gas if your tank is full of the high priced stuff.
Also, don't buy anything else at the gas station;
don't give them any more of your hard earned
money than what you spend on gas, until the prices come down..."
just think of this concept for a while.
Posted by SHAH.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Trouble with Terabytes
I filled a terabyte drive with crap; now I need another terabyte drive. That means within the last few years I've accumulated 3 to 4 terabytes of data, much of it redundant from sloppy backup procedures and paranoia.
About a year ago one of my 500GB USB drives blew up, so now I'm backing up everything on both a second drive and DVDs. I've moved to dual-layer DVD+R disks: 8GB, which isn't enough for anything. I need 30GB Blu-ray or something bigger.
One of the problems everyone has is that since hard disks began to double in capacity every 12 months, we've become complacent with the knowledge that we'll never fill them up. But multimedia files and other downloads chew up space quickly, especially since everyone has gotten on the high-quality bandwagon. Downloading a movie? It has to be HD. Downloading an MP3? It has to be at a high bit rate.
My downloaded movies consist mostly of files off the Comcast DVR where I keep recording old classics from TCM. They build up, so I burn them on the DVD recorder before transferring them to a hard disk using HandBrake, the excellent video ripper. Then I watch the movies on a laptop when I travel. Of course I never watch anything, and they start to accumulate.
On top of this useless collection of crap are my digital photos. I've upgraded to the 10MP Olympus 520, which offers me the opportunity to shoot RAW and JPEG formats at the exact same time. So instead of accumulating thousands of shots just mildly compressed with JPEG, I now save that exact same JPEG along with a huge RAW file. This will worsen when I eventually move to 12-, 14-, and 16-megapixel cameras.
The worst aspect of this photography hobby is that the longer you do it the more likely you are to take numerous redundant shots. Instead of one cool pic of the street corner you take two, three, four…just in case you wiggled a little. I can easily shoot 300 to 400 shots on this camera before the battery drops dead. So I may as well shoot 300 to 400 pics. I promise myself that I'll sort them out later. And I eventually will, but in the meantime they chew up hard disk space like nothing else.
Right now the best solution for backup is a second hard disk. It's the cheapest way to do it. But things get complicated when you overflow a terabyte drive with junk.
M'sia inflation hits 7.7%, a 26-year high
Tan Seri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, second finance minister, had already said that a 41 per cent hike in subsidised fuel prices last month was set to boost inflation in June and July.
The figure came as something of a surprise as economists had predicted June inflation of 6.6 per cent. -- AFP
Berita Gempar- An evening with an ‘accomplice’

This time I am going for broke. This time I am prepared to go to jail for a long, long time just to make sure that Najib is not going to become Prime Minister of Malaysia in June 2010. Yes, I know I am headed for a fall, but I am going to bring Najib down with me. We shall both hit the dirt and become history, side-by-side.
And how will that happen? Well, this time I video-recorded a ‘confession’ session. And the video recording is now in a safe place, ready to surface during my trial when they charge me for this newest ‘crime’, whatever that crime is going to be.
The gist is as follows. When Saiful went to meet Najib, he brought a friend along. And this friend has confessed to the entire thing in a video recording, which I now have in my possession. So bring it on. Give me all you’ve got. Charge me and let us see what happens in court.
Yes, Najib met Saiful to discuss how to fix Anwar on a sodomy allegation. No doubt, at first Najib denied all this. At first he said he never met Saiful, not even once in his life. Then he admitted meeting Saiful but said he met Saiful to offer the young man ‘career guidance’ and to discuss his future, scholarship, and all such matters. The first statement was a lie. The second was also a lie. Najib met Saiful to discuss the sodomy allegation against Anwar.
If Najib can lie so many times with regards to his meeting with Saiful, would he not also be capable of lying about never meeting or knowing Altantuya? What would Najib say if during my trial I adduce a military intelligence report dated when Altantuya was still alive which confirms that he was involved romantically (or ‘involved sexually’ would probably be the more appropriate word to use) with Altantuya?.
MATJEM: VIDEO RECORDED?....bior betui.......hish aku video-video ni tak berapa percaya sgt.
Free rear seat belts for 431,000 Perodua cars
Transport Minister Datuk Ong Tee Keat said the local carmaker had allocated a total of RM41.8 million to supply and install the rear seat belts for its Kancil, Kenari, Kelisa, Kembara and Rusa models.
Speaking to reporters, he said for security reason, however, the installation could only be made at Perodua service centres.
Earlier, Ong witnessed the signing of memorandum of understanding between the Road Safety Department and Perodua to implement a community-based automative safety programme.
The government had made it compulsory for rear passengers to wear seat belts from Jan 1 next year but cars registered before 1995, which are without the safety feature, were given a three-year grace period from June 1 this year to install the belts.
Ong said last month that apart from Perodua, several other car manufacturers would provide free installation of the seat belts.
He said members of the public were becoming more aware of the benefit of wearing rear seat belts, rising from one per cent previously to 17 per cent at the moment.
"Of course we still have a long way to go and this is just an average figure. In some small towns and suburbs, the percentage is even lower. But there has been a steady improvement," he said. — Bernama

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Beza liwat dengan zina
Pertama, liwat sama hukumnya dengan berzina. Tetapi, dosa liwat lebih besar daripada dosa berzina. Malah Rasulullah s.a.w melaknat golongan yang meliwat isteri melalui dubur.
Menurut Abu Hurairah r.a, Nabi s.a.w telah bersabda:"Sesiapa yang mendatangi wanita atau isteri melalui dubur (liwat) atau menemui tukang tilik lalu membenarkan apa yang dikatakannya, sesungguhnya dia telah kafir (tidak mengimani) risalah yang telah diturunkan kepada Muhammad s.a.w." – Hadis riwayat al-Darimi.
Kedua, sesiapa yang melakukan maksiat berterusan digelar sebagai ahli fasiq sama ada dosa besar atau dosa kecil. Hakikatnya, tidak sah ahli fasiq mewalikan anak perempuannya. Namun, jika dia telah bertaubat pasti ALLAH menerima taubatnya kecuali syirik. Jika syirik, dia wajib melafazkan kembali kalimah syahadah kerana telah murtad.
Firman ALLAH S.W.T:
"Sesungguhnya ALLAH tidak mengampunkan sesiapa yang mensyirikkan_NYA tetapi mengampuni dosa selain daripada itu." – Surah al-Nisa': 116.
Ketiga, hukuman bagi perbuatan liwat sama ada peliwat atau mangsa liwat secara rela ada sedikit perbezaan dengan hukuman zina. Penzina lelaki atau wanita yang telah berkahwin dikenakan hukuman rejam (lempar batu di khalayak ramai) hingga mati. Bagi yang belum berkahwin pula dikenakan hukuman rotan sebanyak 100 rotan.
Firman ALLAH S.W.T:
"Penzina wanita (belum kahwin) dan penzina lelaki (belum kahwin) kedua-duanya hendaklah dirotan sebanyak 100 kali dan janganlah kamu melahirkan rasa belas kasihan kepada mereka berdua hinggakan kamu tidak sanggup menjalankan hukum ALLAH jika kamu beriman ALLAH dan hari akhirat." - Surah al-Nur: 2.
Menurut 'Ubbadah bin al-Somit r.a, Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda: "Kamu semua hendaklah mengambil (hukuman zina) daripadaku. Sesungguhnya ALLAH telah menunjuk jalan penyelesaiannya. Penzina yang telah berkahwin hendaklah dirotan sebanyak 100 kali dan direjam hingga mati. Penzina yang belum kahwin hendaklah dirotan sebanyak 100 kali dan dibuang daerah." - Hadis sahih riwayat Ahmad, Muslim, Abu Daud, al-Tirmizi, Ibn Majah. Al-Tirmizi mengklasifikasikan hadis ini sebagai hasan sahih.
Manakala hukuman perbuatan liwat, kedua-duanya hendaklah dibunuh (direjam). Menurut Ibn Abbas r.a, Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda: "Sesiapa yang menemui seseorang melakukan perbuatan kaum Nabi Lut a.s.
(liwat), bunuhlah peliwat dan mangsa liwat yang rela." - Hadis sahih riwayat Ahmad, al-Tirmizi, Abu Daud dan Ibn Majah.
Wallahu a'lam.
Barclays Premier League transfers
IN: Aaron Ramsey (Cardiff City, £5million), Samir Nasri (Marseille, undisclosed)
OUT: Mathieu Flamini (AC Milan, free transfer), Jens Lehmann (VfB Stuttgart, free transfer), Alexander Hleb (Barcelona, £11.8million), Gilberto (Panathinaikos, undisclosed)
Aston Villa
IN: Curtis Davies (West Bromwich Albion, undisclosed), Steve Sidwell (Chelsea, £5million)
OUT: Olof Mellberg (Juventus, free transfer), Patrick Berger (released), Luke Moore (West Bromwich Albion, £3million), Thomas Sorensen (released)
Blackburn rovers
OUT: Peter Enckleman (released), Stephane Henchoz (released), Bruno Berner (released)
Bolton Wanderers
IN: Johan Elmander (Toulouse, undisclosed), Fabrice Muamba (Birmingham City, £5million)
OUT: Stelios Giannakopolus (released), Ivan Campo (released), Andranik Teymourian (Fulham, free transfer), Daniel Braaten (Toulouse, exchange)
IN: Jose Bosingwa (FC Porto, £16million), Deco (Barcelona, £8million),
OUT: Ben Sahar (Portsmouth, loan), Hernan Crespo (released), Slobodan Rajkovic (FC Twente, loan), Steve Sidwell (Aston Villa, £5million), Claude Makelele (Paris St Germain, free transfer)
OUT: Lee Carsley (Birmingham City, free transfer), Stefan Wessels (released), Bjarni Vidarsson (released), Patrick Boyle (released)
IN: Mark Schwarzer (Middlesbrough, free transfer), David Stockdale (Darlington, undisclosed), Zoltan Gera (West Bromwich Albion, free transfer), Andranik Teymourian (Bolton Wanderers, free transfer), Toni Kallio (BSC Young Boys, undisclosed), Bobby Zamora (West Ham United, undisclosed), John Pantsil (West Ham United, undisclosed)
OUT: Carlos Bocanegra (Rennes, free transfer), Jari Litmanen (released), Phillippe Christanval (released), Simon Elliott (released), Ian Pearce (released), Michael Timlin (released), Ismael Ehui (released). Bjorn Runstrom (released), Brian McBride (released), Dejan Stefanovic (Norwich City, undisclosed), Elliot Omozusi (Norwich City, loan), Tony Warner (Hull City, free transfer)
Hull City
IN: Craig Fagen (Derby County, £750,000), Geovanni (Manchester City, free transfer), Bernard Mendy (Paris St Germain, free transfer), Tony Warner (Fulham, free transfer), George Boateng (Middlesbrough, £1million), Peter Halmosi (Plymouth Argyle, undisclosed)
OUT: David Livermore (released), Jay-Jay Okocha (released), Stuart Elliott (Doncaster Rovers, undisclosed)
IN: Philipp Degen, (Borussia Dortmund, free transfer), Andrea Dossena (Udinese, undisclosed), Diego Cavaleri (Palmeiras, undisclosed)
OUT: Harry Kewell (Galatasary, free transfer), John Arne Riise (AS Roma, £3.96million), Anthony Le Tallec (Le Mans, undisclosed) Peter Crouch (Portsmouth, £11million), Scott Carson (West Bromwich Albion, £3.25million), Danny Guthrie (Newcastle United, undisclosed)
Manchester City
IN: Jo (CSKA Moscow, undisclosed)
OUT: Jihai Sun (Sheffield United, free transfer), Paul Dickov (released), Emile Mpenza (released), Andreas Isaksson (PSV Eindhoven, undisclosed), Geovanni (Hull City, free transfer), Georgios Samaras (Celtic, undisclosed)
Manchester United
OUT: Gerard Pique (Barcelona, undisclosed), Kieran Lee (Oldham Athletic, free)
IN: Marvin Emnes (Sparta Rotterdam, £3.2million), Didier Digard (Paris Saint Germain, £4million)
OUT: Dong----- Lee (released), Fabio Rochemback (released), Gaizka Mendieta (released), Mark Schwarzer (Fulham, free transfer), George Boateng (Hull City, £1million)
Newcastle United
IN: Jonas Guiterrez (Real Mallorca, undisclosed), Danny Guthrie (Liverpool, undisclosed)
OUT: Stephen Carr (released), Peter Ramage (Queens Park Rangers, free transfer), James Troisi (released), David Rozehnal (Lazio, £2.9m)
IN: Ben Sahar (Chelsea, loan), Glen Little (Reading, free), Peter Crouch (Liverpool, £11million)
Stoke City
IN: Dave Kitson (Reading, £5.5million)
OUT: Marlon Broomes (Blackpool, free transfer), Russell Hoult (released), Dominic Matteo (released)
OUT: Andy Cole (released), Ian Harte (released), Stephen Wright (released), Stanislav Varga (released), Greg Halford (Sheffield United, loan)
Tottenham Hotspur
IN: Luka Modric (Dinamo Zagreb, £16.6m), Giovani dos Santos (Barcelona, £4.7m), John Bostock (Crystal Palace, £700,000)
OUT: Simon Dawkins (Leyton Orient, loan)
West Bromwich Albion
IN: Roman Bednar (Heart of Midlothian, undisclosed), Michal Danek (Viktoria Plzen, loan), Kim Do-Heon (Seongnam Ilhwa Chunma, £550,000), Luke Moore (Aston Villa, £3million), Gianni Zuiverloon (Heerenveen, £3.2million), Graham Dorrans (Livingston, £100,000), Marek Cech (FC Porto, £1.4million), Scott Carson (Liverpool, £3.25million)
OUT: Luke Steele (Barnsley, free), Zoltan Gera (Fulham, free transfer), Martin Albrechtsen (Derby County, free transfer), Curtis Davies (Aston Villa, undisclosed), Kevin Phillips (Birmingham City, free)
West Ham United
IN: Holmar Orn Eyjolfsson (HK Kopavogur, undisclosed),
OUT: Nolberto Solano (released), Bobby Zamora (Fulham, undisclosed), John Pantsil (Fulham, undisclosed)
Wigan Athletic
IN: Daniel De Ridder (Birmingham City, free transfer), Olivier Kapo (Birmingham City, £3.5million)
OUT: Solomon Olembe (released), Josip Skoko (released), Andrew Webster (Glasgow Rangers, undisclosed), Julius Agahowa (Kayserispor, undisclosed), Andreas Granqvist (FC Groningen, undisclosed)
Monday, July 21, 2008
150 dakwa bayaran cukai pintu tak selaras
Penduduk yang ditemui mendakwa mereka membelanjakan RM800 hingga RM1,000 setiap tahun untuk cukai pintu, bagaimanapun merasa kurang selesa apabila mengetahui jiran bersebelahan menerima bil cukai pintu dengan harga lebih murah daripada mereka.
Perkara terbabit diluahkan mereka ketika sesi dialog antara penduduk bersama wakil MPAJ serta Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Teratai, Janice Lee Ying Ha, semalam.
Menurut seorang penduduk, Ben Wong, 40, dia berkali-kali mengadu mengenai masalah itu kepada MPAJ, bagaimanapun tiada sebarang tindakan diambil untuk menjelaskan kedudukan sebenar mengapa perkara terbabit berlaku, sedangkan keluasan rumah antara penduduk sama.
Perompak tiada belas kasihan
Dalam kejadian jam 8.30 malam, wanita berusia 26 tahun itu ditembak di belakang badan ketika sedang melarikan diri ketika perompak memasuki kedai terbabit.
Mangsa yang cedera parah dikejarkan ke sebuah pusat perubatan berdekatan untuk mendapatkan rawatan.
Bagaimanapun, wanita malang itu mati ketika sedang mendapatkan rawatan tidak lama selepas kejadian.
Lima perompak bersenjatakan tiga pistol dipercayai jenis semi auto melarikan barang kemas bernilai setengah juta ringgit.
Kejadian itu juga menyebabkan pengunjung pusat beli-belah berkenaan gempar selepas terdengar bunyi beberapa das tembakan dilepaskan penjenayah.
Pindah segera 600,000 babi

PPPIM gesa kerajaan Selangor alihkan ternakan dari 17 kampung Melayub.
KUALA LUMPUR: Pertubuhan Pergerakan Perpaduan Islam Malaysia (PPPIM) mendesak kerajaan Selangor pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat memindahkan 600,000 ternakan babi dari 17 kampung Melayu tradisional di kawasan Sepang ke lokasi yang jauh daripada kawasan penempatan.
Pada masa sama, PPPIM juga mahu supaya cadangan untuk membuka 400 hektar kawasan lagi untuk meluaskan ternakan itu dibatalkan serta merta.
Beliau berkata, PPPIM bersama 200 badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang jika digabungkan mempunyai keahlian mencecah 100,000 orang akan mengambil langkah berdiplomasi dengan menghantar memorandum terlebih dulu bagi mengatasi masalah membabitkan penternakan babi di kawasan berkenaan.
"PPPIM bersama 200 NGO berkenaan juga merancang mengadakan perhimpunan besar-besaran membabitkan 100,000 orang di hadapan Bangunan SUK sebagai tanda protes," katanya.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Hamilton takes hard-fought win in German Grand Prix

McLaren’s Lewis Hamilton scored the fourth victory of his 2008 season here at Hockenheim on Sunday - and he did it the hard way. For the first 34 laps he ran away and hid from his pursuers, led by Ferrari’s Felipe Massa, but then Timo Glock ran hard into the pit wall after the right-rear suspension of his Toyota appeared to fail, and all hell broke loose.
The safety car was deployed as the shards of debris were cleared, and the moment the pit lane opened there was a rush to refuel for the final stints. In came everyone, apart from Hamilton, BMW Sauber’s Nick Heidfeld and Renault’s Nelson Piquet had just been in when Glock crashed.
Ferguson clarifies Ronaldo situation

Sir Alex Ferguson has met with Cristiano Ronaldo and insists the winger will not be sold to Real Madrid.
The 23-year-old has been heavily chased by the Spanish giants but at a press conference in South Africa to mark the start of United's pre-season trip, Ferguson confirmed Ronaldo is going nowhere.
Ferguson said: "The meeting went well - I think we both put across our points of view - where we stand and where the player stands.
"I can say he'll be a Manchester United player next season. That's our stance - he won't be sold."
Friday, July 18, 2008
Air Mata Nabi Adam
Beliau sujud di atas gunung selama seratus tahun.Kemudian menangis lagi sehingga air matanya mengalir di jurang Serantip. Dariair mata Nabi Adam itu Allah tumbuhkan pohon kayu manis dan pokok cengkih.Beberapa ekor burung telah meminum air mata beliau. Burung itu berkata,'Sedap sungguh air ini.'
Nabi Adam terdengar kata-kata burung tersebut.Beliau menyangka burung itu sengaja mengejeknya kerana perbuatan derhakanyakepada Allah. Ini membuatkan Nabi Adam semakin hebat menangis. Akhirnya Allahtelah menyampaikan wahyu yang bermaksud, 'Hai Adam, sesungguhnya aku belumpernah menciptakan air minum yang lebih lazat dan hebat dari air mata taubatmuitu.'
Apa Yang Akan Ditanya :-
Dalam sehari ada 24 jam. Dalam sejam manusia bernafas sebanyak 4320 kali.
Dalam setiap kali bernafas Allah akan tanya dua perkara semasa nafas keluar danmasuk. Pertanyaan itu ialah, 'Apa perbuatan yang kita lakukan semasa nafasitu keluar dan masuk ?
Tiga Cahaya Di Hari Kiamat
Di hari kiamat ada tiga cahaya yang berlainan :
* Cahaya yang pertama seperti bintang-bintang.
* Cahaya yang kedua seperti cahaya bulan.
* Cahaya yang ketiga seperti cahaya matahari.
Apabila ditanya cahaya apakah ini ?. Lalu dijawab : 'Cahaya yang pertamaialah cahaya wajah-wajah manusia yang ketika di dunia, mereka akan meninggalkanpekerjaan dan terus bersuci dan mengambil air sembahyang apabila terdengarazan.
Yang kedua ialah cahaya wajah mereka yang mengambil air sembahyang sebelumazan.
Cahaya yang ketiga ialah cahaya mereka seperti matahari. Mereka di dunia sudahbersiap sedia di dalam masjid sebelum azan lagi.'
Kala Jengking Neraka
Di hari kiamat akan keluar seekor binatang dari neraka jahanam yang bernama'Huraisy' berasal dari anak kala jengking. Besarnya Huraisy ini daritimur hingga ke barat. Panjangnya pula seperti jarak langit dan bumi.
Malaikat Jibril bertanya : 'Hai Huraisy! Engkauhendak ke mana dan siapa yang kau cari ?' Huraisy pun menjawab, 'Akumahu mencari lima orang. Pertama, orang yang meninggalkan sembahyang. Kedua,orang yang tidak mahu keluarkan zakat. Ketiga, orang yang derhaka kepadaibubapanya. Keempat, orang yang bercakap tentang dunia di dalam masjid. Kelima,orang yang suka minum arak.'
Simpanlah baik2 email ini dan sebagai peringatan kita setiap hari. Sampaikankepada sekelian muslimin/muslimat yang lain semoga menjadi pedoman hidup hinggakeakhir hayat, Insya'Allah .
Posted By Amin-Mike.
Goldman Sachs Maintains $149 Yearend Price Target for Crude Oil
Goldman Sachs Maintains $149 Yearend Price Target for Crude Oil
By Nesa Subrahmaniyan
July 18 (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Wall
Street's most profitable bank, said it's maintaining its $149 a
barrel year-end price target for crude oil as inventories remain
``extremely low'' and the market is vulnerable to supply shocks.
Oil prices may fall in the ``near term'' because of rising
inventories in developed nations as imports by U.S. and Japan
increase, Goldman analysts Jeffrey Currie and Giovanni Serio said
in a report yesterday.
In addition to this news
The current dip in the price of fuel which
Analysts believe that the bleak economy cause the dip in oil price.
As the economy slows and Americans spend less, Analysts expect domestic
demand for gasoline to fall. That could lead to a pullback in prices.
On Thursday, natural gas futures fell more than 7 % after the government
reported higher supplies than anticipated. Crude oil futures fell USD5.31
to settle at USD129.29 A barrel and are down nearly USD16.00 in the last week.
Diari Seekor Semut.
Bile lak masanya aku pergi berjuang?......Kalaulah ade...Apekah perjuangan itu hebat macam Mahatma Ghandi? ....Arrgghhh....Kalau setakat kena sembur ngan air FRU tu dah naik jelak dah aku dengar.....
Pasal apa aku mempertahankan idea aku? Pasal apa aku mempertahankan org politik aku? ....Kan ke elok kalau aku diam dan org yg tak puas hati ngan idea aku, aku tuil jer bijik mata dia...Pasal apa aku tak nak dengar nasihat orang......Hahahahaha akulah Sivaji The Boss...Aku lah Inspektor Sahab....Law is in my hand....Buat pe aku nak dengar cakap orang?...Orang kena dengar cakap aku....
Sebab itu aku gagah dengan kepala hotak aku yg berjambul ni.....Sebab tu bila aku balik dari opis org akan tengok aku hensem giler bila naik moto novo aku ni........Sebab bila aku naik kenderaan aku berangan yg aku dah terer gila sampai semua org kat tepi aku tak reti bawak kereta.....Sebab tulah aku dianggap hero dlm memperjuangkan ideologi aku........
Sebab aku degillah bila aku nengok muka aku kat cermin aku akan cakap...."Wahhhhh hensem giler mamat ni".........Sebab tu bila ada org tulis samting yg benar aku akan cakap korang tak hensem....Idea korang bodoh.....Nak tau kenapa aku cakap camni?.....Sebab masa korang cakap @ tulih pemende haram jadah pun tak masuk dlm kepala aku yg berambut ala-ala shahrukh khan ni....Masa korang cakap, dlm kepala hotak aku, aku tengah berfikir apa mende yg aku nak cakap....So sori ler ye....Eerrrr what you just said just now?.
Boleh blah dgn Isu negara....Bakpe nak pikir?.....Baik aku balik kang boleh gi IOI Mall peh tu riki-riki ape henpon baru nak beli?.....Boleh blah dgn isu makanan orang lain..."Lu tak dak duit nak beli beras?.....Pepandai le lu makan rumput ke...Makan ubi ke".....Asalkan ideologi aku korang boleh nampak kat Internet...Korang bukannya tau pun aku buat ke tak?...hehehehe....boleh blah le korang..
So toksah le korang nak ek dengan aku....Kalau setakat diploma ITM kampus sementara...Jangan nak cuba memperdayakan aku yang grad U.S ni.....hahahahaha bengong betul lah.....Chek dulu sijil yang dah berabuk kat almari tu.......dah kena makan lipas ke belum......Korang toksah tanya mana aku punya.....Punya lah cantik siap ade frem mahal lagi.
So, mai le korang baca ideologi aku.....Sebab aku terer nak mampos.
Petikan ini diambil dari diary seekor semut yang mati kena pijak dengan kasut adidas BIRU aku.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Dad Released - Izzah
Saya ingin meminta maaf terlebih dahulu kerana tidak dapat membalas setiap mesej, emel,komen atau mesej Facebook tetapi saya ingin memberitahu di sini bahawa saya sekeluarga berterima kasih ke atas sokongan anda.
Kekuatan suara rakyat membenarkan Ayah, Ibu, Saya dan adik-adik tersayang untuk terus berjuang untuk Rakyat dan Negara.
Sekarang, selepas ayah, Raja Petra pula memerlukan sokongan anda.
Alhamdulillah dad was released. Thank you all for your kind words of support. It assuring to know so many of you are concerned and worried about our nation and my dad as I am.
I apologise for not being able to personally reply each and every message, email, comment, or Facebook message but do know I appreciate each and every one of them.
Dad, Mom, I and the family thank every one of you for your kind support, prayers and continued perseverance. Your strength fuels us to go on fighting for Malaysia and the Rakyat.
Now lets fight for RPK.
Sebab Kenapa Aku Bangga Jadik Anak ITM!!!!!
Soalan Tan Sri Datuk Dr Nordin Kardi Vice Chancellor UUM
Question 2
PERANTARA: Saya mempersilakan Tan Sri Datuk Dr Nordin Kardi untuk menanyakan soalan kepada Dato’ Ahmad Shabery.
TAN SRI DATUK DR NORDIN KORDI: Tadi saya telah menanyakan komitmen Dato’ Seri Anwar tentang adakah premis kepada penurunan harga minyak 50 sen itu kerana Malaysia adalah pengeluaran minyak. Selepas kita bacakan data bahawa sumbangan minyak dalam negara hanya 26%. Saya melihat bahawa isu yang dicadangkan oleh Dato’ Seri Anwar bukan isu minyak lagi tetapi memilih minyak sebagai sasaran untuk dikurangkan kepada 50 sen.
Tetapi mengapa tidak misalnya oleh kerana ia bukan semata-mata isu minyak bercakap mengenai pengurangan cukai seperti mana Kerajaan telah tidak mengenakan cukai kepada mereka berpendapatan di bawah RM2,000, mengapa tidak misalnya memberi bantuan sewa rumah kepada mereka yang miskin tinggal di bandar, tetapi mengapa memilih minyak, mengapa agaknya Dato’ Seri Anwar tidak berjanji untuk mengurangkan inflasi seperti katanya 80% kepada 30%. Jadi soalan saya kepada Dato’ Shabery ialah mengapa agaknya Dato’ Seri memilih minyak sebagai sasaran janji kepada rakyat apabila memerintah esok. Terima kasih
Anwar to spend the night in jail
KUALA LUMPUR, July 16 — Contrary to earlier reports that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim would be released tonight, his lawyer Sankara Nair says he has been detained to obtain further statements. Anwar has also been refused bail.
Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail who came to the city police headquarters with her three daughters said, "They reneged on their promise. They told me it would be all over but suddenly I get a call telling me to bring a towel. I am disappointed that after 10 years, this is repeating."
She was later joined by her visibly distraught eldest daughter Nurul Izzah who was accompanied by her husband.
Earlier, at about 10.35pm, the police convoy — 13 4WDs and 20 or more outriders — transporting him from the Hospital Kuala Lumpur returned to city police headquarters.
At that time, his other lawyer Saiful Izham Ramli said Anwar would be released upon his return from the hospital and police personnel escorting him confirmed that.
PKR MPs Sivarasa Rasiah, Yusmadi Yusuf and Azmin Ali were seen entering the police headquarters a little after that. Sivarasa told reporters that no DNA samples were taken from Anwar and that he was only given a medical check-up at the hospital.
He also said that Anwar's statement was recorded from 2.30pm-7.30pm and repeated that as to date, they had yet to be furnished with a copy of the sodomy charge brought against Anwar by his former aide.
"As far as we are concerned, these allegations are a complete fabrication," he added.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
News From Bloomberg.
Ibrahim was arrested following accusations he had sex with a
male aide, 10 years after he was jailed for a similar charge
that was later quashed. Stocks and the ringgit extended declines.
Anwar, 60, was detained near his home in Kuala Lumpur by 20
masked officers, his office said. He wasn't given a reason for
the arrest, according to his lawyer Sankara Nair. Police are due
to hold a press conference later in the capital.
The former deputy prime minister denies the accusations and
says the current case is fabricated to destroy his plan to
topple Premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in two months. A decade ago,
Anwar's detention triggered street riots and today's arrest will
generate more popular support for his cause, analysts said.
``This will certainly increase sympathy for him,'' said
Ibrahim Suffian, director of the Merdeka Center, an independent
research institute near Kuala Lumpur. ``If he stays in jail and
some kind of charge is introduced, we'll be resetting the clock
back to 1998. This may well be the single action that tips
people over to Anwar.''
The People's Justice Party, which Anwar advises, and its
two allies won control of five of Malaysia's 13 states in the
March 8 elections. That denied the ruling coalition, which has
ruled for five decades, its two-thirds majority in Parliament.
Anwar was jailed for six years for corruption and sodomy
until Malaysia's highest court overturned the sodomy conviction
and released him in 2004.
Sinking Stocks
His party today called for supporters to rally calmly at
the police station where the former minister was planning to
give a statement. His wife, daughter and about 10 opposition
lawmakers gathered at the building after the arrest, which took
place shortly before 1 p.m. local time.
Investors have sold Malaysian stocks since the elections,
driving down the benchmark index 23 percent this year. That's
worse than the performances of the indexes in neighboring
Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore.
The Kuala Lumpur Composite index extended declines after
the arrest to its lowest in 16 months, losing 0.6 percent.
The Malaysian ringgit was the region's worst performer today,
weakening 0.2 percent to 3.2270 against the U.S. dollar.
Some money managers called on Abdullah's National Front
coalition to explain today's developments.
Health Threat
``The government should address the nation,'' said Scott
Lim, who helps manage the equivalent of $620 million as chief
investment officer at CMS Asset Management Sdn. in Kuala Lumpur.
``Instability following the March 8 election has all been very,
very negative.''
The investigation into Anwar's aide's accusation comes
under a section of Malaysia's penal code listing the offence
sodomized or not,'' Mukhriz Mahathir, lawmaker for the National
Front coalition, said in Parliament, triggering shouts from
opposition members of Parliament. He called for the DNA evidence
from human tissue to be produced.
About 65 percent of Malaysians consider the allegations to
be politically motivated, while 11 percent believe Anwar is
guilty, according to a survey of 1,000 people conducted July 14
by the Merdeka Center, Ibrahim said.
Anwar, who was confined temporarily to a wheelchair by the
police beating he received in 1998, may be in danger again, said
his wife, Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
`I Feel Apprehensive'
``I feel apprehensive because my husband is, 10 years down
the road, not that well,'' she told reporters today after
speaking to Anwar by phone following the arrest. ``He has a bad
back, he's had surgery, and from the brief conversation, he said
they were not gentle.''
Anwar has filed a defamation suit against his accuser and
claims the 23-year-old former aide conspired with the government.
The manner of the arrest, one hour before Anwar had agreed
to meet police, drew criticism from his party and others in the
opposition alliance.
``Can't they conduct their investigations in a proper
manner?'' Azmin Ali, vice president of People's Justice Party,
told reporters at Parliament. ``The police should not test the
patience of the citizens. Do they want a repeat of the `98
Anwar should be immediately released since he was willing
to cooperate with the investigation, Lim Guan Eng, head of the
opposition Democratic Action Party, said in an e-mailed
Malaysia's top policeman, Musa Hassan, didn't reply to a
message left on his phone seeking an explanation for the arrest.
Debat: Anwar lebih meyakinkan
Hasilnya menunjukkan pembaca Malaysiakini percaya prestasi Anwar jauh lebih menyerlah daripada Shabery.
Sejumlah 18,684 pembaca menyertai tinjauan pendapat tersebut, dengan 17,240 atau 95 peratus bersetuju bahawa hujah-hujah Anwar adalah lebih meyakinkan.
Menariknya, walaupun Anwar dilihat lebih menyerlah dalam perdebatan tersebut, tetapi majoriti pembaca (57 peratus) berkata beliau kelihatan bergantung pada notanya.
Shabery pula kelihatan kurang merujuk kepada nota-notanya.
Bagaimanapun, 90 peratus pembaca percaya, menteri penerangan itu mengelak menjawab banyak soalan yang dikemukakan oleh moderator dan dua orang penalis.
Diminta memberi mata 1 hingga 10 bagi kedua-dua pendebat tersebut, Anwar ternyata lebih menyerlah daripada Shabery.
Syed Jaymal Zahiid | Jul 16, 08 3:53pm
About 250 people have gathered in Jalan Hang Tuah outside the Kuala Lumpur police contingent headquarters to condemn the arrest of PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim today. Motorists told to honk in support
News flashed around the world
Latest 3.46pm!!!
Opposition politicians criticised the manner of the arrest, calling it uncivilised. Yusmadi Yusuf, MP for Balik Pulau called it "uncivilised. Anwar is not a police threat."
Karpal Singh called the action high-handed intimidation while Azmin said he is outraged.
Hatta called the arrest unwarranted. "They took him from his car like a kidnapping. This is a provocation." DAP's Lim Kit Siang ,who is also there now, said, "This will erase public trust in independence of police."
Raja Petra to be arrested and charged tomorrow (Thursday)
Raja Petra Kamarudin has been ordered to report to the ninth floor IPK KL (opposite Pudu Jail) at 10.00am tomorrow (Thursday, 17 July 2008).
According to the police, Raja Petra is to be charged for criminal defamation with regards to the Statutory Declaration that he signed on 18 June 2008.
It is not known yet which court he will be charged in as the Attorney-General has not decided yet.
Further news to follow.
Ayah Ditahan
Dad was arrested by the cops whilst on his way to the IPK to give his statement. The cops gave till 2pm for dad to report but still arrested him before the deadline. Dad was on his way back home to have lunch in Bukit Segambut, and then head to the IPK but the cops blocked off the road and arrested him like a criminal. And the cops who arrested him were Special Squad cops with balaclavas!!! Is that necessary!!!
I hope and pray for our nation today. I ask all Malaysians to be calm but strong in this event. I truly do believe our nation’s future rests on what happens in the next weeks.
Please please do not give the authorities any reason to crack down on us. Let us do everything by the book and do what’s right.
And most of all, please pray.
Anwar di reman 24 jam
MStar | ...Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang dikeluarkan waran tangkap kerana tidak hadir di Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen (IPK) Kuala Lumpur petang kelmarin berhubung dakwaan meliwat, ditahan polis tengah hari ini untuk membantu siasatan.
Peguam Anwar, Sankara Nair memberitahu pemberita di pekarangan IPK Kuala Lumpur bahawa bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu ditangkap oleh sepasukan polis di rumahnya.
"Polis mengatakan bahawa anda (Anwar) ditahan di bawah Seksyen 377 Kanun Keseksaan, Anwar akan direman 24 jam," katanya.
Bagaimanapun Anwar tidak digari.
Anwar dibawa ke IPK Kuala Lumpur kira-kira pukul 1.15 tengah hari.
Beliau ditahan di rumahnya di Segambut dekat sini selepas pulang dari memberi keterangan kepada Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) di Putrajaya berhubung laporannya yang dibuat terhadap Peguam Negara dan Ketua Polis Negara.
Anwar keluar dari pejabat BPR pukul 12.10 tengah hari.
Ketika ditemui wartawan di Putrajaya, Anwar berkata, beliau telah meminta proses memberi keterangan ditangguhkan kerana perlu hadir di IPK Kuala Lumpur pukul 2 petang ini untuk memberi keterangan berhubung dakwaan meliwat.
Kata beliau: "Oleh kerana waran tangkap sudah dikeluarkan, saya perlu berada di IPK Kuala Lumpur di sana dengan segera."
Ketika ditanya mungkin ditahan, Anwar memberitahu, beliau sedia jika ditahan dan BPR boleh mengambil keterangan di lokap."
Wartawan mStar Online yang berada di IPK Kuala Lumpur melaporkan Anwar dibawa dalam kereta polis dengan diiringi kira-kira 15 buah kereta, dipercayai dinaiki anggota polis dan peguamnya.
Update 2.43 pm
"I don't believe this is happening. We will seek to get him released as soon as possible," said DAP chairman Karpal Singh, who had joined other PKR members and supporters gathering at the headquarters.
The police had on Tuesday given Anwar a 2pm deadline to answer allegations of sodomy.
He was earlier arrested in front of his house in Bukit Segambut.
His lawyer Sankara Nair said the police told Anwar that he was being arrested for investigations under Section 377C of the Penal Code for alleged against the order of nature."
On June 28, his 23-year-old former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan had lodged a police report alleging that Anwar had sodomised him.
Asked if Anwar was handcuffed, Sankara said he was not.
Anwar's wife Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail said he had called her from the police car to say he had been arrested.
"He asked me to go home to look after the children," she said when met in Parliament lobby.
Anwar's Nurul Izzah and her husband Raja Ahmad Shahrir arrived at the city police headquarters at 1.55pm.
The police had on Tuesday given Anwar a 2pm deadline to answer allegations of sodomy.
Anwar was at the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) headquarters in Putrajaya earlier Wednesday. He left the ACA headquarters at 12.10pm, saying he was satisfied with the ACA's line of questioning.
He said the ACA had not completed its interview, but he had to cut it short to make his 2pm appointment with the police to answer questions over the sodomy allegation made against him.
The former deputy prime minister said he had produced all the information required, but there just wasn't enough time.
"If I am arrested, I guess the ACA can do their follow-up interview at the lock-up," the de facto opposition leader joked.
Anwar had arrived at the ACA headquarters at about 10am over the reports he had lodged against the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) and the Attorney-General (A-G).
He was accompanied by his lawyers and a group of PKR supporters.
In his report lodged on July 1, Anwar had alleged that IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan and A-G Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail had fabricated evidence in the “black eye” investigation in 1999.
Musa was the investigating officer and Abdul Gani led the prosecution in the case in which Anwar had been beaten up by the IGP then, Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Noor.
Musa and Abdul Gani were questioned by the ACA on July 11.
Anwar sudah di TAHAN !!!
"Anwar was arrested just five minutes ago. The police came and took him away," said lawyer Sankara Nair, who said he witnessed the arrest.
"He had just arrived home when about 10 officers detained him at the gate of his home," he told AFP.
Nair said the police did not specify what the opposition leader was being charged with, but said he would be taken to Kuala Lumpur police headquarters..
Petronas Profit The Overview
Aku kalau nak citer in bussiness terms nanti korang tak faham so aku cuba ringkaskan seringkas-ringkasnya.
Pendapatan 2008 RM223.1bill pertambahan sebanyak 21.2%
Keuntungan sebelum cukai RM95.5 bill meningkat sebanyak 25.2%
Keuntungan selepas cukai RM61.0 bill meningkat sebanyak 31.5%
Pembayaran kpd Gomen adalah RM67.6 bil semenjak penubuhan RM403.3 bill
Wokey ini yang nak tengok ni: Dari RM67.6 bill
RM62.8 bill kpd federal gomen + RM4.8 bill kpd T'ganu, S'wak, Sabah
Mari kita lihat struktur apakah dan bagaimanakah bentuk bayaran Petronas ini dibuat.
- RM30.0 bill adalah bentuk dividen.
- RM20.6 bill petroleum income tax
- RM5.4 bill corporate tax
- RM2.1 bill duti ekspot
- RM4.7 bill royalti kerajaan pusat
Yang aku tahu: Dalam kenyataan Petronas baru-baru ini seakan-akan Petronas telah menggunakan wang hasil keuntungan 61.0 billion untuk diberikan kepada kerajaan. Padahal mengikut basic accountancy :
20.6 + 5.40 + 2.10 + 4.70 = 32.80 (billion) sepatutnya diambil dari untung sebelum cukai.
RM30.00 billion adalah pemberian dividen adalah yang sebenarnya pemberian secara terus kepada gomen.
Kekeliruan telah timbul di kalangan masyarakat apabila mereka bertanya bagaimana untung RM61 billion boleh lak bagi gomen RM67 billion?.....The math doesn't work here.
Ini adalah kerana kenyataan Petronas ini:
The RM67.6 billion total payment to governments for the year represents
63.1% of the PETRONAS Group profits for the same period. PETRONAS Group
retained only 29.2% of its profits during the year for reinvestments and the
balance 7.7% was used to pay foreign taxes and minority interests. The
reinvestment is necessary to ensure the Group's sustainable operations and
growth in order to be able to continue to generate value for its stakeholders.
Cukup mengelirukan...siapa yang bukan dari finacial sector akan faham yang dari RM61 billion Petronas cuma simpan RM17.6 billion untuk reinvesment. seolah-olah Petronas tak simpan what I mean?....
Oklah simple calculation.
63.10 + 29.20 + 7.7 0 = 100%.
Simpanan? hehehehe...ini semua accountancy punya trick...jgn risau duit tu ade sebenarnya cuma tak diterangkan secara terperinci di dalam press conference.
Sampaikan Pak Menteri pun boleh confuse....nasihat aku kat Pak Menteri , tu ler lain kali belajor jangan main hentam keromo jer...Tak tahu tanya...
PETRONAS: subsidi kepada sektor gas
RM19.7 billion, up by 26.2% dari RM15.6 billion sebelumnya. Ini membawa kpd RM77.9 billion semenjak tahun 1997.
Subsidi gas kepada sektor tenaga adalah RM13.8 billion. Naik ke 17.9%.
ok tengok ni :
RM8.1 billion atau 58.7% pergi ke IPP!!!!!!!!
Kenaikan harga minyak telah menyebabkan penggunaan gas kpd non-power sector
meningkat 51.3% pertambahan dalam subsidi kepada
non-power sector adalah RM5.9 billion.
Banyak tu yang mengalir ke IPP......Dah le IPP dapat subsidi lepas tu dapat untung hasil jualan ke Petronas pulak tu.....
Perjanjian?..Ada satu kes yang berlaku kepada Mechmar corp bhd dengan Tanzania dan ditanda tangani pada 1994....Malas nak eloborate. Nanti dikata menabur fintnah. ada baiknya jika kamu semua buat kajian sendiri. Apa yang boleh aku katakan projek tersebut telah diambil balik oleh kerajaan Tanzania. Hehehe boleh lak gomen take over balik walaupun perjanjian telah di buat ye?....Maaf kalau aku tersilap. AL MAKLUMLAH AKU NI BUKANNYA LAW STUDENT OR LAW MAKER.
Debate Anwar And Shabery

By Wan Hamidi Hamid
KUALA LUMPUR. July 15 — It doesn't matter who the winner was in the first-ever American-style live TV debate in the country tonight — with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek taking centrestage to argue about fuel price hikes. The real winner was the debate itself.
Concluded quickly within an hour with a format quite similar to the American presidential candidate debates, with a rostrum each for the debater on stage, the most glaring thing for all to see was the quality of debate.
Some may say Anwar, the de facto leader of Parti Keadilan Rakyat, won the debate as he focused on the issue at hand — the fuel price hike — while Ahmad Shabery, the Information Minister, seemed to take cheap shots at Anwar especially his younger days as a rabble rouser.
Anwar proposed to reduce the current petrol pump price by 50 sen the moment his opposition coalition of PKR, PAS and DAP take over the Federal Government.
"Petronas has announced a special dividend RM6 billion to the government for this year. Why can't I take RM1 billion of that to reduce the petrol price by 50 sen?" he said to applause from a section of the 300-strong audience in the Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka Hall in Kuala Lumpur.
Elaborating further, he promised to slash pump prices further once his Pakatan Rakyat coalition took over, saying it is an initial 50 sen because the Barisan Nasional government had just hiked prices by 70 sen from RM1.92 per litre previously.
The former deputy prime minister made it clear from the start of the debate that he was not questioning national oil company Petronas but his criticisms were directed at the BN government which he alleged was rife with mismanagement and economic abuse, citing Malaysia's high electricity reserves as a waste as it only benefited the independent power producers (IPPs).
A view of the audience watching the debate between the two politicians.
He argued the government could save RM2 billion from reducing electricity reserves, adding an additional RM3 billion to finance the 50-sen reduction can be sourced elsewhere. "Five billion is enough to help lighten the burden on the rakyat. The Perwaja bailout was RM13 billion of government money."
In his reply, Ahmad Shabery argued that "if we continue at RM1.92, it means the government is forced to bear the subsidy of RM50 billion and this means many development programmes, building of schools, roads and improving people's livelihood cannot be implemented.”
"We should know that the price increase is not our doing but due to the world oil price crisis. This is not the first time we have had a world oil crisis. The first time was in 1973-74 when after the Arab-Israeli Ramadan war. Oil price increased by 400 per cent, from US$10 a barrel to US$40 in six months.
"But it was also an important year because the late Tun Razak (the then Prime Minister) set up Petronas in a pressured situation because the world outside pressured us not to take away the rights given to Shell at that time. Shell was set up by the British before they left," he said, also to applause from his supporters.
The information minister also explained that subsidies could not be sustained for a long time because it would hamper real economic growth.
In a question-and-answer session, Ahmad Shabery was asked about the RM4.3 billion savings from an earlier fuel price increase in 2006 that was meant to be used to improve public transport but only RM834 million was used for that purpose, leading people to be cynical about the purported RM13 billion in savings in the latest subsidy cut.
The minister dismissed the question, saying that in 2006 the international fuel price was just US$70 a barrel whereas it has now reached US$140 a barrel, and went on to argue that countries such as Venezuela and Iran which heavily subsidised fuel had very high inflation rates.
Anwar however argued that Malaysia's real inflation rate of some eight per cent was caused by economic mismanagement, not by the global oil price increase. "If the Barisan Nasional says that the fuel price can be increased in a sudden and it will not be followed by increasing price of goods and services, I want to know who teaches them this kind of economic management.
"We're an oil-producing country and for every US$1 increase per barrel, we make RM360 million. Why can't we do something good with this?" Anwar thundered.
To this, Ahmad Shabery argued that Malaysia was not even in the top 20 oil-producing countries list, let alone a major player.
"We're just a small nett exporter of oil. Our profits are only 26 per cent of our oil revenue. The rest we received from the (Petronas) investments. By 2015, when we become a nett importer of oil, will we then adhere to the global price?"
In reply, Anwar said: "Who told us that our oil will deplete in 2015? Thirty years ago Petronas projected that our oil will run out by 2005. It's just a projection. I believe we have a lot more capacity."
When Ahmad Shabery pointed out that Anwar too was responsible for problems pertaining to the IPPs which are still reaping profits despite the current economic situation as he was a Cabinet minister then, the former finance minister demanded a check of record to prove that he had opposed the IPP plans approved by former premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Towards the end of the debate, Ahmad Shabery repeated his argument that Anwar was still a rabble rouser and that during Anwar's time in the government he would never allowed others, especially the opposition, to participate in an open debate such as the one held tonight.
Ahmad Shabery had earlier accused Anwar of inciting the people to rise up against the government over claims of poverty in Baling, Kedah in 1974.
Pointing out these were cheap shots, Anwar explained that he was here to debate an economic issue only but would be willing to debate on other matters, including personal allegations against him, at another forum.
Besides a minor fracas before the start of the debate outside the hall as well as a very heavy police presence around the building and the surrounding area, the event, organised by was a largely peaceful event. It was telecast live on TV9 and Astro channels 119, 501 and 502 apart from being webcast by IP Global TV.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Peranan Media Di Dalam Pembangunan Informasi Bolasepak.
Sentiasa di benak kita menghadirkan kegemilangan bolasepak negara pada era sebelum 90an. Stadium sentiasa dipenuhi dan kedengaran dari hampir setiap rumah sorakan gol apabila bola menerjah jaring . Hampir kesemua kanak-kanak apabila ditanya apakah cita-cita bolasepak mereka pabila besar esok? Boleh dikatakan hampir kesemuanya telah menjawab “Saya nak jadi Mokhtar Dahari”. Ke manakah menghilangnya keghairahan ini?.
Jawapannya ialah keghairahan ini telah berubah angin!. Mata-mata peminat bolasepak negara telah lebih tertumpu kepada liga bolasepak antarabangsa. Terima kasih atas tumpuan media yang berlebih-lebih menjurus hala satelit mereka ke luar angkasa Malaysia.
Pada pandangan penulis peminat itu sentiasa ada cuma perlunya ada anjakan paradigma . Kenangan kegemilangan perlu dijadikan satu lipatan buku dan bahan kajian dalam meneruskan perjuangan bolasepak negara. Sejarah kegemilangan ini perlu diekstrak semula penilaiannya. Namun begitu kaedah membanding-bandingkan kualiti antara dua zaman ini(kegemilangan dan kejatuhan) tidak dilakukan secara adil. Kualiti para pemain pada dasarnya ada berkembang cuma perkembangan dunia bolasepak sekarang nyata amat berbeza dengan 10 tahun lampau dari berbagai sudut.
Perbezaan ini dapat dilihat dan di klasifikasikan kepada dua bahagian. Yang pertama perkembangan manupulasi dalam dunia media massa dan juga komunikasi yang mana dahulunya kita hanya terdedah kepada 2 atau 3 saluran tv sahaja tetapi dengan adanya media satelit dan jalur lebar pengaruh media telah bertukar kepada jangkauan tanpa batasan sempadan.
Yang keduanya adalah Faktor Sains dan ekonomi, ianya memperuntukan peratusan yang amat besar dalam menjana dan memajukan dunia sukan sekarang. Tidak juga ketinggalan faktor taktikal dan teknikal yang bersumberkan dari sekumpulan pakar dalam bidang pengurusan bolasepak yang sememangnya berteras kukuh di dalam setiap pasukan elit bolasepak dunia.
Di sini penulis ingin memfokuskan hanya kepada jaluran Media telekomunikasi.Ini adalah anjakan paradigma yang telah dinyatakan di awal rencana.
Teknik penyampaian media perlu berkembang selaras dengan kemajuan dunia tele-komunikasi. Sebagai contoh kita boleh melihat bagaimana perlawanan bolasepak Liga Sepanyol dan Itali yang sentiasa digambarkan oleh peminat sebagai liga permainan tercantik. Apakah faktornya?.Ini adalah satu teknik pukau(Hypnotise), jikalau di kaji secara visual dapat kita simpulkan yang sebenarnya teknik sinematografi telah memainkan peranan yang begitu cemerlang. Gerakan cantik diulang tayang berberapa kali walaupun ianya tidak menghasilkan gol tetapi ianya dipaparkan dengan begitul artistik dan realistik sekali.
Jikalau hendak dikaji tentang pengetahuan peminat tempatan tentang liga bolasepak negara berbanding dgn Barclays Premier League bolehlah dirumuskan bahawa peratusannya lebih memihak kpd BPL. Fenomena ini sebenarnya hanya baru berberapa tahun ini ianya bermula. Fenomena ini dicetuskan oleh satu bentuk permainan maya yang baru iaitu Fantasy Football dan juga dikenali sebagai Fantasy Football manager.
Fantasy Football ini adalah satu pertandingan taktikal berbentuk maya dan ianya dimainkan di seluruh dunia. Pengendali pasukan maya akan cuba mengkaji dan menilai taraf permainan setiap individu bolasepak dari pemain hinggalah ke pengurus. Ini membuatkan yang peminat lebih berminat untuk mengikuti perlawanan bolasepak secara menyeluruh.
Faktor Internet telah menyumbang kebangkitan besar BPL kepada tahap liga terbaik dunia yang sebelum ini sentiasa beralih tangan antara Sepanyol dan Itali. FAM sepatutnya mengambil langkah proaktif dalam mengembangkan informasi liga tempatan ke dalam arena jalur lebar dan tidak sekadar mengharapkan kepada media tradisi iaitu surat khabar dan tv sahaja.
Kajian dan juga kerjasama dgn FA inggeris memungkinkan perlaksanaan laman web FAM yg lebih mengujakan. Peningkatan penggunaan internet dan blog perlu di ambil kesempatan sepenuhnya dan tidak hanya dipandang remeh kerana setiap kesempatan perlu diambil dalam meningkatkan kembali minat penonton kepada liga tempatan.
Apabila berlaku pertambahan minat, barulah pihak penaja mula membuka mata dan menaruh minat dalam penajaan pasukan bolasepak. Ini amat diperlukan kerana peminat tidak mahu berlaku lagi kekalutan seperti yang menimpa pasukan bolasepak Sarawak baru-baru ini. Penajaan penting dalam menggaji pakar-pakar teknikal, sains sukan, pembangunan prasarana dan juga minat para pemain bolasepak itu sendiri.
Media telekomunikasi mudah alih juga memainkan peranan yang tidak kurang pentingnya. Berapa kali kita dapat mendengar dan melihat iklan keputusan perlawanan Liga Malaysia boleh dipaparkan melalui khidmat pesanan ringkas? Hampir tiada, berbanding dengan keputusan perlawanan BPL dan juga baru-baru ini Euro08 yang di pancarkan di setiap pelanggan mobiliti yang melanggan khidmat ini.
Ke manakah pendapatan yang dijana oleh pengendali syarikat telekomunikasi ini pergi? Alangkah ruginya FAM jika tidak menggunakan kesempatan ini.
Masa telah berubah dan pihak pengurusan FAM perlu berani dalam membuat perubahan. Ini bukanlah langkah drastik tetapi FAM boleh belajar mengenai penggunaan media dari persatuan-persatuan lain yang mana telah terbukti berjaya. FAM perlu peka dalam setiap perubahan senario media. Kuasa tarikan media terhadap menarik minat penonton adalah cukup tinggi dan jangan dipandang remeh.
Faktor-faktor ini mungkin akan menunjukkan perubahan dan peningkatan dalam arena bolasepak tempatan dan juga harus diperhalusi hingga ke akar umbi agar tiada yang tertinggal di atas kertas sahaja. Apabila informasi dapat disalurkan dengan cara yang lebih berkesan kritikan-kritikan yang bersifat positif akan subur dan ini membolehkan pengkajian dan penilaian bolasepak tempatan dapat sampai ke pihak yang sepatutnya iaitu kelab dan persatuan bolasepak negeri.
Razman Malik.