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Friday, March 6, 2009

Korang Kenal Tak Dia Ni?

Karpal v Selangor UMNO Youth: The other side of the story

One of the UMNO Youth fellas that confronted Karpal Singh the other day in parliament is an old friend of mine. I know him since since our schooling days back then in Kuala Kangsar. Latt Sharizan is the UMNO Youth Chief of PJ Utara. Cultured & very friendly, that's how I would describe the guy. I was amazed to see him on the front line on the day of the incident. Really! One thing I know, the guy is not a gangster. Trust me, you wouldn't want to send him if you want to intimidate someone the samseng way. Sorry Latt, I just can't imagine you fighting bare hands, one to one even with Gobind Sr., let alone taking on Karpal Jr. himself lah.. hahaha

Tansrimat the blogger has informed me that Latt has posted in his website the Selangor UMNO Youth side of the story of what had actually taken place that afternoon. We have heard stories from the PR's side pertaining to the incident. In all fairness, let us read the Selangor UMNO Youth side of the story.


Kami ingin menyatakan seperti berikut:

1. Ketua-ketua Pemuda UMNO dari Selangor hadir ke Parlimen atas dasar jemputan sebagai tetamu untuk diadakan perbincangan dan makan tengahari. Jauh sekali untuk berada di Parlimen semata-mata untuk menimbulkan kekecohan sebagaimana yang dituduh oleh Ahli-ahli Parlimen Pembangkang dari DAP di dalam Dewan Rakyat.

2. Tiada sebarang bentuk kekasaran mahupun serangan dilakukan terhadap YB Karpal Singh sebagaimana yang didakwa oleh Pembangkang dari DAP dan disiarkan oleh beberapa akhbar tempatan. Jikalau pun ada pihak yang mengadu terkena tepis, ia hanyalah lantaran lambaian tangan oleh semua pihak di dalam kekalutan yang berlaku sewaktu babak kedua.

3. Kekecohan hanya berlaku apabila ahli-ahli Parlimen DAP datang kemudiannya (sepertimana dirujuk sebagai Babak Kedua). Pada waktu itu, YB Karpal Singh sudahpun mula meninggalkan kawasan insiden.

4. Terdapat sekurang-kurangnya EMPAT insiden provokasi, keganasan dan/atau kekasaran yang dimulakan serta dilakukan terhadap Pemuda UMNO oleh YB Wakil Rakyat Pembangkang DAP.

Will There Be A True Malaysian After All?

Just something most malays would agree with...
Sometimes, I don't understand what more do you guys (chinese) want? You want the Malays to share what's ours, but you never want to share yours with us. You want to take from us but you never want to give. In order to live in harmony, we have to give and take and not just take.

Simple examples:
1. Chinese employers would never promote a Malay to a Managerial level and above even if he is much more qualified and knowledgeabe than the rest of the Chinese employees. BUT, you want Malays to give higher ranks/posts to Chinese in government organizations.

2. You want to be called Malaysian and to be treated the same as Bumis BUT you refuse to practice National Language, like a true Malaysian citizen.

3. You want to be called Malaysian BUT you never want to accept the history of this land - the historical facts of Tanah Melayu, Chinese relationship with Communism or your great ancestors history of migrating to this land.

4. You want UiTM to be opened to Chinese BUT you never want to abolish your racist schools that instill racisme and separate your children from the Bumis and make it harder for us to accept you and vice versa. Deny all you want, but till you can tell the truth, there is no truce.

5. You want to be called a Malaysian BUT you don't really acknowledge our Sultan. In fact, you act as if the Sultan only belongs to the Malays and Chinese has nothing to do with them. I've met a Chinese who doesnt even know what Agong means.

6. Chinese-controlled banks would try hard not the help Malay entreprenuers BUT you want the government to help Chinese entrepreneurs all the same.

The truth is, you don't want to be a Malaysian, you just want to have the country all to you. You don't want to embrace Malaysian culture, national language, perlembagaan and our history - YOU JUST WANT CHINESE TO RULE MALAYSIA AND BE THE PM. That's all you want, isn't it?

Do you really think the Australian would let the Chinese become the head of their country one fine day - in ten or twenty years from now when the Chinese bred all over Australia ? Or do you think the American can even imagine a Chinese President? Or British would accept an Indian PM? Then why Malaysia must be different? Because you thought that Malays are inferior race and you are superior and therefore you should rule us?? You know, Chinese are very chauvinist. I know you know it but you don't care - that's how chauvinist you are.

My australian cousin once expressed her hatred towards the Chinese for thinking of themselves as Australians just because their grandfather migrated there some time ago. One american movie starred by Edie Murphy once insinuated that Chinese are really racist and hate every other races. It said that Chinese only treat others well when others can give them business. Maybe Chinese should learn some manners: You can't go to people's place and not respecting the host and expect the host to accept you as family.

And for Indians, my English colleague has once expressed his hatred towards indians for behaving as if they belong in Britain more than the English themselves.

The fact is: Chinese never respect others but expect others to respect them. Chinese never respect others cause its not included in their teachings and their culture. They will throw their elderlies in the old folk homes. They will leave their children in the care of the babysitters for all week. They don't believe in God, they just believe in money.


Then again, NOT ALL MALAYS ARE PERFECT TOO. Some Malays are really racist. They are mostly those in PAS but somehow for the sake of power (which actually belongs to DAP), they started to sound ridiculously open lately and not racist anymore. I still remember how I defend the Chinese from PAS some time ago. This is because UMNO Malays used to be the ones that are not racist, untill lately that they started to sound like it.

Why? Because they can't take it anymore with the Hindraff and Majlis Peguam and then, the Chinese not wanting to accept fact as being the immigrant - long time ago and purposely create havoc by jumping up and down for nothing.

There's nothing wrong with the fact, we all do accept that you are a Malaysian now but why can't you accept the Malaysian historical fact that your great ancestors are immigrant to this country? And why must you deny the fact of the social agreement? Why try to change history if you don't have any evil agenda towards the Malays and the country?

This NEP and social agreement things are not worth a fuss. The Chinese are not satisfied with it. But then, the Malays are also not satisfied with a lot of things - especially the economy. We never blame the Chinese though, we accept the facts that Malays are not a good money maker as compared to you. The NEP is not taking anything away from the Chinese, it's just merely trying to create a base for the Malays. If it fails, then what is your problem? It's the Malays problem. It never give you any harm, the proof is that the Malaysian economy still belongs to you.

Even you said so. So isn't that not enough? Why so greedy? You want more, you just want everything, right? ( i like this part...oh yess they are Gollum in Lord of the Ring )

In a multi-racial country, you can't satisfy everybody, you can't make everybody happy. Malays are not satisfied, Chinese are not satisfied and Indians are not satisfied in different ways and issues. That means that the system is doing an acceptable justice to everybody. If one of these three groups is truly satisfied, then, something must be wrong somewhere as it would surely means a great dissatisfaction of the other two groups.

You know, Malays are known as very tolerant people, that is why you are where you are today. But then, the Chinese started to assume that tolerant also means stupid and that is why you are trying so hard to take over everything from us. Now, bear this in mind, that MALAYS WOULD OPENLY ACCEPT ANYBODY AS FAMILY AND SHARE EVERYTHING WITH THEM. But please, respect us, our rights, our limits. There is nothing in the world that has no limit accept the power of Allah. So, when people are willing to share their belongings with you, you have to share yours with them too. You have to give and take, didn't your mother teach you that? Or does it only applies to your own kind?

Now, I don't like all these racial discussions. I would love to have equality with all Malaysians - with a condition that they are truly Malaysian by heart, in culture, language, history, education... and everything. About Dato' Ahmad Ismail - if anybody want him to apologize then show us prove that the Chinese great -great-great grandfathers are not immigrants to this country once upon a time ago. Fair, right?

Isu Penggunaan Kalimah Allah

Pengguna Kalimah Allah oleh Non Muslim .

Akhir - akhir ini isu penggunaan kalimah Allah semakin sensasi dan mencetus kontraversi malah turut mendapat ruang perbahasan di dalam parlimen . Hari ini pun , sejurus saya selesai menyampaikan kuliah Hadis di Akademi Ar Rasyidin , soalan yang sama ditimbulkan oleh salah seorang pelajar saya .

Bagi saya dan sesiapa sahaja yang pernah tinggal di negara arab seperti Mesir , Syria dan Jordan tentunya menjadi perkara biasa mendengar penganut agama kristian menyebut kalimah Allah swt . Bahkan mereka turut bersumpah dengan menggunakan kalimah Allah swt . Maksud saya penggunaan istilah atau kalimah Allah tidaklah menjadi polemik dikalangan ummat Islam di sana .

Mungkin kelihatan ganjil apabila ada beberapa pihak non muslim di negara ini mahu menggunakan kalimah Allah swt dalam penerbitan mereka , katalog mahupun signboard .

Saya pernah memasuki sebuah restoran di Tanta Mesir yang tertulis di dinding kedainya perkataan Allahu Yarhamuk atau maknanya Semoga Allah merahmatimu . Pada mulanya mati - mati saya sangka itu kedai muslim sehinggalah saya dimaklumkan oleh seorang sahabat arab yang belajar sekelas dengan saya bahawa kedai tempat saya makan itu adalah kedai milik seorang nasrani [ kristian ] .

Sepanjang masa saya berada di Mesir , tidak pula saya perasan wujud perbahasan mengenai penggunaan kalimah Allah dikalangan kristian meskipun Mesir adalah antara negara yang mempunyai ramai ulama' yang hebat dan tersohor .

Hukum Menggunakan Kalimah Allah oleh Non Muslim

Bagi menjelaskan perkara ini , saya melihat isu ini dari 2 sudut . Pertama dari sudut hukumnya secara tekstual sementara sudut kedua ialah dari aspek kemaslahatan yang perlu dilihat dari implikasi kepenggunaan kalimah Allah oleh Non Muslim dalam negara kita Malaysia .

Sudut pertama : Prinsip Hukum

Allah swt adalah Tuhan sekelian Alam . Tuhan kepada semua makhluk malah dialah Tuhan yang Mencipta segala suatu . Tuhan yang Maha Esa dan Memelihara makhluknya . Saya percaya perkara ini turut diyakini oleh mereka non muslim dalam negara ini terutama bekas agama samawi seperti kristian .

Malah hal ini diakui oleh al Quran apabila Allah swt berfirman dengan maksudnya :

Dan sesungguhnya jika engkau (Wahai Muhammad) bertanya kepada mereka (yang musyrik) itu: “siapakah yang menurunkan hujan dari langit, lalu dia hidupkan dengannya tumbuh-tumbuhan di bumi sesudah matinya?” sudah tentu mereka akan menjawab: “Allah”. Ucapkanlah (Wahai Muhammad): “Alhamdulillah” (sebagai bersyukur disebabkan pengakuan mereka yang demikian), bahkan kebanyakan mereka tidak menggunakan akal (untuk memahami tauhid)

(Surah al-Ankabut ayat 63).

Dilihat daripada ayat di atas , jelas mereka juga mengaku bahawa Allah swt adalah Tuhan yang mencipta dan memelihara alam ini dengan segala isinya . Bahkan Allah swt tidak melarang atau membantah golongan non muslim ini menggunakan kalimah Allah swt sebaliknya menyuruh Nabi Muhammad saw bersyukur ekoran pengakuan tersebut .

Lalu saya berpendapat bahawa menggunakan Kalimah Allah swt sebagai tuhan yang mencipta oleh golongan non muslim tidaklah menjadi kesalahan .

Sebenarnya yang menjadi perbahasan sejak dulu oleh para ulamak bukan terhenti di atas penggunaan kalimah Allah swt tetapi bagaimana mereka menanggapi Allah swt . Ertinya yang dilarang ialah perbuatan mereka mensyirikkan Allah swt .

Menyebut dan menggunakan nama Allah swt pada tempat dan perkara yang tidak wajar dan tidak layak bagi Allah seperti mensyirikkannya maka ianya diharamkan . Sebagai contoh , Firman Allah swt yang bermaksud :

“Sesungguhnya telah kafirlah mereka yang berkata: “Bahawasanya Allah ialah salah satu dari yang tiga (triniti)”. padahal tiada tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa..

(Surah al-Maidah ayat 73).

Perkara yang terlarang berkait penggunaan kalimah Allah swt ialah perbuatan atau perkataan yang mensyirikkan Allah swt . Jika mereka menggunakan nama atau kalimah Allah dengan mengakui bahawa Allah adalah Tuhan yang berkuasa maka tiada salahnya meskipun dia seorang non - muslim .

Samalah isunya seperti Gobala Krishnan dan beberapa pemimpin cina DAP yang membaca ayat al Quran dalam ucapan mereka . Jika mereka membacanya dengan niat ingin memetik kebenaran yang terkandung di dalam ayat tersebut , kenapa kita mesti melarang atau menolak ? kecualilah dibaca dengan maksud menghina atau mempersenda . Jelas hukumnya haram dan kita wajib menegah siapa sahaja yang berbuat demikian meskipun ia seorang muslim , justeru menghina itu adalah salah [ dosa ] dan ditegah [ haram ] .

Sudut Kedua : Maslahah

Perkara yang berkait dengan kemaslahatan adalah suatu yang perlu disiasat oleh pihak berkuasa agama seperti Majlis Agama Islam , JAKIM , IKIM , Majlis Fatwa dan lain - lain badan berauthority . Sejauh mana penggunaan kalimah Allah itu mencetus keresahan dan mengundang polemik dikalangan rakyat yang berbilang kaum agar tidak tercetus perang yang tidak diingini .

Juga perlu dilihat kepada kesesuaian dan keperluan menggunakan kalimah Allah tersebut sebelum kita menjatuhkan hukum , apakah ia membawa maksud yang berbeza dari prinsip tauhid sehingga membawa maksud atau nilai yang salah terhadap KeEsaan Allah swt dan segala kesuciaannya .

Jika hasil siasatan memperlihatkan bahawa kepenggunaan nama Allah swt adalah kerana mahu turut sama menyebut bahawa Allah swt adalah tuhan yang sebenar dan Tuhan yang layak disembah maka tidak mengapa mereka menggunakannya . Namun jika hasil kajian dan siasatannya menunjukkan sikap yang jelas ingin mencetuskan kegelisahan atau keresahan dikalangan ummat Islam maka saya kira ianya wajar dihentikan . Apatah lagi membawa maksud mahu menghina agama Islam.


Hukum penggunaan kalimah Allah dilihat kepada bagaimana ia digunakan . Jika penggunaannya hanya bertujuan untuk merendah dan mempersenda agama Islam , maka ianya haram dan wajib ditentang habis - habisan sekalipun dilakukan oleh seorang muslim .

Sementara penggunaan yang positif untuk memberi pengiktirafan bahawa Allah adalah tuhan yang mencipta sebagaimana yang disebut oleh Allah swt di dalam al Quran maka ia dibenarkan oleh syara' sekalipun digunakan oleh non muslim .

Ustaz Nasrudin Tantawi.